
We Love Heidi Klum

Is Heidi Klum not just perfect? Of the many models turned hosts out there (that means you Tyra) Heidi has managed to retain a sort of down to earth appeal that does not rely on convincing the world of the tough life she's had. She also happens to be reasonably likable on camera (that means you Nikki Taylor and Tyson Beckford).

We definitely love the adorable family and as if the seal pups weren't reason enough, she also pulls off the cute printed hoodie look better than Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and Cameron Diaz combined.

She can also do many things that most people including but not limited to Sienna Miller and Mischa Barton cannot such as high waisted denim.

She's never let us down on the red carpet,

and we love the idea of having a signature style. Ms. Klum has perfected one of our personal favorites, the sequined top/blazer/skinny jean ensemble.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well, i thought heidi belonged in the loony bin for thinking seal was a genuinely attractive dude. but no, she admitted that she likes weird looking guys. i guess she is not loony...in her mind, its a question of taste ;-)