
Dear Stylist: Paris Hilton Should Cut Her Losses and Move to Boca

Dear Stylist,

They tell me Paris Hilton is a young girl. I suppose that's what the dancing on the tables, all too often with hands above head and dare I say snapping, is about. However are we the only ones who have noticed a shift in her wardrobe lately?

We've always preferred Ms. Hilton sans weave but we don't really see the point of teasing the natural do into a poufy oblivion since it seems to add about 40 years to the look. Also, by now hopefully we all can agree on the dangers of wearing animal prints, namely that you look like you've gone one step too far on "vintage" bandwagon and you've spent far too much time poking around in Nana's cobweb-filled closet.

I mean, don't get us wrong, we're certainly not implying that Paris would be anything less than the TOAST of the retirement community and she'd likely land a lucrative deal posing for the cover of Joan Collins next and surely scintillating novel Misfortune's Infamous Daughters. We're just saying that she should strongly consider taking her budding "crazy animal-lady" tendencies to more sympathetic pastures than LA.

I hear Del Boca Vista has a few vacancies.

Yours truly,

The Aesthetes

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