
Get It Together: Some Things Should Be Left in the Past

We cannot emphasize this enough. Sex and the City was cute from 1998 to 2003 and then Carrie and her ballerina skirts, Samantha and her brash sexuality, Miranda and her sarcasm and Charlotte with her hopeless and thoroughly irritating optimism became only appropriate in the small realm of our special edition dvd boxed sets. There is nothing bothering us more than the trotting out of the middle-aged stars in no longer age appropriate or fashion forward garments for the making and promoting of the sure to be horrible movie version.

You've probably guessed that we're also not thrilled about the Sex and the City wannabes Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle. Admittedly, having only seen the former, we're nonetheless ready to declare that this, friends, is bad TV and not even the good kind. We even have significant soft spots in our hearts for Lucy Liu after her turns in both Kill Bill and Charlie's Angels but even we can't defend what she's been wearing lately.

Valentino Schmalentino... this dress is ugly.

PH Addendum: Lucy, I don't know if you realize the severity of our words, here... Our love for you used to be pure, unadulterated, and altogether quite lovely. You show up like that, and well, we start questioning everything. The fact that we're alumni from the same college will only get you so far....)

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