
Teeny Tiny Backpacks

Are we entering the phase where the mid-nineties has become nostalgic and retro? I mean, how else can we explain the return of the dreaded belted cardigan. Once we started seeing women sporting the mini-backpack (mini-pack) trend of '96 we wondered what next? The Britney Spears cropped shirt, the ubiquitous Mayim Bialik hat, the painted-on Cindy Crawford mole? Shudder to think. Seriously though, we have seen people rocking these lately.

We clearly approve of the man-bag concept and especially a technologically advanced, ergonomically correct backpack. It begs the question though, if one needs to wear some sort of carryall that requires distribution over both shoulders due to its weight, perhaps said weight should be heavier than your Louis Vuitton change purse, your iPhone, and your L'Oreal Infallible Never Fail Lipcolor.

We, of all people, realize that fashion is not always utilitarian but seriously, this mini-pack trend is wholly useless. Unless of course you've been cast as Lacey Chabert's character in your community theater's upcoming revival of Party of Five. In that case, party on.

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