
Madras, Madras, Madras

Sometimes I feel like the fashion gods created the Madras pant as a response to so many men not being able to put together a matching outfit. But I ask you, why create something so hideous that matches everything and nothing at the same time? And why try to convince the masses that they look good?

However illogical the notion of clashing technicolor plaids seem to be, men across this country are buying these shorts. WHY WHY WHY?!? Do you think these pants look good? Do you? Do you really?

How about now?

I want there to be a solid fashionable reason why these pants exist. I want someone to tell me that the elegant interplay between the conflicting tartans creates a clean line in the fabric, or creates some sort of social commentary on something.

Before you buy, just think. Do these pants look good? No. Will they make you look good? No. Will they somehow distract people around you from looking at the man clogs you bought and still insist on wearing? Phat chance.


Anonymous said...

That is ugly. I do own 3 madras pants and I love them. They are very expensive because of the way they are weaved and then cut in patches. I have never had adrop of sweat on those since they are airy. Ohhhhh, they feel like terry cloth without the bulk.
Here, educate yourself http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.orvis.com/orvis_assets/images/madras.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.orvis.com/intro.asp%3Fsubject%3D2811&h=239&w=248&sz=18&hl=en&start=168&um=1&tbnid=H8IdD7BsIiqRiM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmadras%26start%3D162%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GFRC_enUS207US207%26sa%3DN

Anonymous said...

i have a pair i bought from Alloy and i love them so much. they have become my work pants. I am a Barista and manager of a coffee shop. They hide the coffee splatter and grounds that get mashed into your pants until you get home to wash them. They have put up with a lot of abuse from me and if they tear it's on a seam, easy fix! Not all madras are cute though so be careful.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I work for HQ of clothing company in the West Coast - thank God they never got into the Madras pattern. I think it is quite possibly the ugliest thing I've seen in my life. And I don't even need to justify why other labels like J-Crew are still selling it as if it is still in.

However, as a man - I do own one pair of madras shorts I bought while shopping at JC Penny. If the madras pattern is dark - it actually works. Don't ask me why. And it works only with a solid color top on the top as shown in your blog.