

It seems that seersucker can be a divisive issue. For some it conjures a decidedly old man image. Perhaps a southern gentleman vibe. There's something proper, polite, old school even in that fabric. At the same time seersucker is a potentially pseudo-preppy, popped collar, pink sweater over the shoulders nightmare.

However, and let us be truly clear here, this is only if misused. Let's delve into the dichotomy.

There is something we love about old man style. Harkening towards bygone days there is an easy panache about this guy.

Badass without trying is something we should all be striving for here. Bravado to us is a beautiful thing due, in a large part, to its evanescence. Strive towards it but never lull yourself into thinking that any amount of in front of the mirror primping will lead you to true style. Simplicity is king to the aesthetes and seersucker can be a wonderful basic summertime fabric.

We love it on men in a short or pant paired with a simple t-shirt. We think they'd be great with a cool white sneaker or an acceptable flip-flop (teva's need not apply). The bold can try a seersucker suit. Keep it simple underneath and stay away from the preppy belt and all will be ok.

For women both shorts and pants would be easy in this fabric as would a shrunken blazer. The key word here is ease. By no means should anyone be squeezing on any skintight seersucker capri's. Think wide leg, think loose yet tailored. Also, for women, keep in mind that men can pull off many different colors with the right sense of irony. For you we definitely suggest staying away from the icky pink stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's hard to say what works--In Her Eyes has a funny take on seersucker here:
