
Divorce Looks Great on Reese Witherspoon

Harsh you say? Mean? We challenge you to view this image of Reese Witherspoon and tell us that exit Philippe hasn’t been the best thing for her.

(Phat Tony Interjection: You know, I don't know if I even need to say anything relating to Reese's choices... She's perfect to me. I can't help it. After seeing Legally Blonde three times in the movie theater, reality might be a little skewed towards Little Miss RW. Okay, go ahead, Bets...)

We think this phenomenon is more than just depression weight loss. Ever since the split, Ms. Witherspoon has been glowing. Maybe she's dating Jake Gyllenhaal, maybe not, we don't even care with this brilliant makeup, great hair and impeccable style. She's got a new movie out, she's inked a contract with Avon and she still manages to spend tons of time with her two kids.

In addition, Witherspoon can bask in the knowledge that she's SO much better looking than the woman with whom Ryan cheated on her.

Whomever has taken charge of Reese's do should also be commended. Her blonde locks have the perfect highlights and the bangs frame the face beautifully. What else but great hair says "my career is on an upswing and my ex-husband is dating unknown actresses." In the immortal words of Elle Woods: "The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known." Hats off to you Ms. Witherspoon, divorce looks great on you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Divorce looks great on a lot of people (like, ahem, me) and whenever it happens, I smile on the inside.