
DEFCON Threat Level 3: Please Step Away From the Crocs

The term "fashion police" exists for a reason. Things can go horribly wrong and often. Take crocs for example.

Not since Beanie Babies have we seen an opiate of the masses mall-trend sweep the nation so thoroughly and completely. We have been appalled since the inception of this phenomenon. We're from the Midwest so we tend to be somewhat familiar with things such as ugly comfort shoes but crocs? Really? Rubber clogs, with holes, in technicolor? Methinks this matter of taste is not so much a question after all.

(Phat Tony: "This sh*t is disgusting. Especially when pale lavender and worn by a man who has no idea. I've never felt as helpless as I did when that travesty clomped past me.")

Ok fine, perhaps we've spotted an endearing child or two sporting the footwear:

But children notwithstanding, we've seen people old enough to know better sporting these monstrosities in Manhattan of all places. Does no one have a good sneaker in their wardrobe? Get it together we beg of you.

It turns out it's not only the fashion police after this particular faux pas. Apparently crocs have just been banned by hospitals in Sweden due to a rather strange possibility that they are contributing to static electricity in the operating rooms and causing equipment to malfunction. More realistically, officials worry that unwanted fluids could seep through the holes and needles could puncture the resin.

In addition to the hospital incident, Washington DC malls are reporting a spate of children catching their toes in escalators. Is there anyone out there who didn't share the irrational childhood fear of getting sucked into the end of the escalator? Turns out, we have the crocs people to thank for bringing that nightmare to life. This issue may or may not have contributed to another recent ban on crocs in a Massachusets elementary school.

I think these incidents just add fuel to the fire for our long held belief that bad fashion and bad decisions go hand in hand.


Anonymous said...

You guys are my heroes. Betsy and Phat Tony for President!!!! Why are people acting like crocs aren't the new birkenstock-n-sock combo? They totally are.

Da Curious One said...

i dont want to divulge names but a certain someone with the same name as my twin once tried to convince me we should each buy one in matching colors no less! but i held on to my fashion sense and steadfastly refused...you two would be proud. he unfortunately is a proud owner of a pair to this day.

Julie said...

I'll be honest. I really want a pair in purple because they are light as a feather and good for canoeing, etc. But I already bought a pair of snazzy flip flops for an upcoming trip, so I will continue to be Croc-less.

Tal said...

I've been waiting for you guys to give Crocs the smackdown. Granted, they're easy targets, but that doesn't make them any less horrendous. Well played.