
A Note to Hipsters

Trends come and go but it has been a long time since a group of people claiming counterculture have latched onto such a definitive look.

That means you hipster in the skinny jeans, vintage tees, funny hats, suspenders and wayfarers. You all look the same and unless, like the girl* in front of me in the coffee shop, you are actually doing something groundbreaking like the Daniel Boone coonskin cap she's sporting (seriously) then you've lost the moral high ground and we're going to have to resort to making fun of you just as much as we made fun of the sorority girl standard issue black pant, slutty top, North Face back in college.

Thank you.

*Editor's note: that "girl" actually turned out to be a guy. We have nothing to say except that a haircut and a cheeseburger are in order.

Phat Tony Addendum: I have far too many opinions when it comes to the hipster look, whether in re: pseudo-hipsters or all-the-way-and-maybe-way-too-far hipsters. However, I will narrow my opinion down to two post-specific comments:
a) I know I have a tendency to allude to Harry Potter a bit too much (which is an entirely other taste-specific topic), but does this girl/boy person look a bit too much like a hungry Daniel Radcliffe, or is is just me?
b) a designer friend of mine (I understate his credentials by simply saying "designer," for in his field, he is arguably the best at what he does... I think so, at least. And so does Martha Stewart. Seriously.) told me recently that he really appreciates when a designer brings a sense of humor into his or her work. This can sometimes come in a form of a crazy lamp in a previously monochromatic room, or a sugar dinosaur on an impeccably constructed dessert. I definitely appreciate this girl/boy/man/woman/child's sense of humor and irony in working that hat the way that he/she/it is. Kudos, and thanks Bets, for pointing it out.

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