
We Love Gelaskins

As many "skins", cases and covers there are in the market for one's ipod(s), we think we have stumbled upon the most aesthetically pleasing. We love Gelaskins, the super thin vinyl adhesives that come in a range of sizes for all the Apple products. Aside from the enormous selection, the best feature of these products is their removability. The covers are self adhesive and while we are not convinced that they are reusable, we know that they do come off the product without leaving behind any damage or stray residue. By now, you've probably realized we're commitment-phobes in most things aesthetic. We just think what's great now, might look a little, well, tired in the future. As for functionality, will gelaskins provide full protection for the droppers among us? Probably not, but they do prevent scratches, especially on the vulnerable screens. Some favorites:

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